Friday, February 14, 2025

Building simulation of entire Virtual 2315 Cartridge Facility - FPGA side


The SDRAM chip would need simulation but we have previously handled that in prior simulations. 

The IBM 1130 controller logic will produce various signals and expects responses. Too, it relies on signals that originally would have come from a 2310 disk drive but are produced by my design instead. I have simulated a number of such behaviors thus this shouldn't be too onerous.

Finally, the FPGA interacts with a Raspberry Pi Pico running code by exchanging messages over an SPI link between the two bits of hardware. The contents of SDRAM are loaded by the RPi, which reads the from an SD Card and transmits them down to the FPGA. Some interactions are needed to start up the virtual disk drive since signals involved in startup are produced on both sides. 

The most straightforward way to handle the SPI simulation is to faithfully simulate the far end of an SPI link and therefore the signaling over that channel. This involves modulating the SPI clock and transitioning signals on both leading and falling edges. 

Alternatively I could create a shim between the actual SPI logic and the higher levels of my design, injecting just what would be emitted by the SPI logic. Turns out that module is interwoven with all the logic creating and decoding the messages between the RPi and FPGA, so I would lose the important debugging of the messages. 


I defined a macro SPIWORD that would spit out the SPI transmission from the RPi Pico and made use of it to initialize the FPGA as it would be had a disk cartridge been virtually loaded. The Pico code controls everything by either writing changes down to the FPGA or reading the state from the FPGA. 

When the Pico has an entire virtual cartridge loaded into the SDRAM (via the FPGA) it has the FPGA make the disk drive active to the IBM 1130 controller logic. Only the FPGA is involved in actively emulating the disk drive, up to the point that the drive is switched off by the operator of the 1130. The Pico then extracts the updated cartridge image and writes it back to the microSD card on the Pico, before returning to its idle condition with the drive virtually unlocked. 

When the Pico reads a virtual cartridge file from the microSD card, as coded for the RK-05 Emulator, extracts some configuration information from the header of that file and transmits it down to the FPGA. My version skips using that configuration information and does NOT transmit those message types. 

Each message over SPI is a two byte transfer, the first byte is a register number and the second is a data byte. By convention, if the high bit is 1 for a register number, it is used to extract data from the FPGA and use it in the Pico, while a high bit of 1 is used when we are setting signals in the FPGA from data shipped out of the Pico. 

A virtual disk cartridge file is transmitted down by the Pico using register x05 to load the address in SDRAM and register x06 to load the data words. Since we only carry 8 bits on the SPI link but our RAM address is 24 bits and our data word is 16 bits, the design sends multiple of these messages for each address or word.

Thus, we send three x05 messages to load all 24 bits of the SDRAM address where the next data word will be stored. We send two x06 messages to transmit all 16 bits of a data word which is then written to SDRAM. The address automatically bumps up so that successive data words are written by pairs of x06 without the need to change the start address with triplets of x05. 

A virtual cartridge consists of 521,304 words, thus there are more than a million x06 messages involved in loading one cartridge to SDRAM. With the SPI link able to send over 25,000 per second at its 460K clock rate, we can still load a cartridge in under a minute. However, that would be a punishing amount of SPIWORD macros to code. I will send some sample data to a number of locations and verify that it is being written to the intended SDRAM addresses. 

If I wanted to load an entire cartridge, I would set up file IO in the simulator to pull the messages from a text file and fit them into the macro, running in a large loop, but I have confidence I can validate the logic without needing an entire cartridge to be loaded. 

When a cartridge has finished being used, with the operator switching off the drive motor, the Pico needs to upload the entire SDRAM virtual cartridge data, since it may have been changed by write activity from the IBM 1130. This is done by again starting the address with a triplet of x05 messages and then issuing pairs of x88 messages to read a word of SDRAM and send it back, half in each of the pair of messages. 

The major message coming from the Pico is the x00 register which sends a few signals to the FPGA:

  • Cart_Ready - is turned on when the virtual cartridge data has been pushed down to SDRAM
  • Fault_Latch - is turned on when various errors show that a cartridge image is compromised
Another message, x04, toggles the Write Protect status. If on when the drive power is switched off, it means the cartridge image is not written back to microSD at the end. This gives us a disk image that is restored to its fresh condition after each use, unlike normal mode where anything done by the IBM 1130 has changed the cartridge image on the micoSD card. 

A corresponding message xA0 will inform the Pico of the state of conditions in the FPGA:
  • Disk Ready - the drive is spinning at speed, thus the chosen virtual cartridge can be downloaded into SDRAM
  • Disk Fault - an error such as check bit validation or other failure was detected
  • Cart Ready - the virtual cartridge is loaded into SDRAM
  • Drive Unlocked - the drive has come to a stop so that physical cartridges COULD be removed or inserted, but in this case it means we can mount a virtual cartridge when this is on. 

To start up the system, the Pico reads the virtual cartridge file and downloads its contents to SDRAM as described earlier. When done, Cart Ready is turned on. Once we see the BUS_UNLOCKED_DRIVE_H signal go low, it indicates we are spinning up the physical drive. The logic watches the drive's 90 second delay relay signal BUS_90S_RELAY_DRIVE_L which gives time to clear out dust and stabilize the platter before the heads attempt to load. 

The Pico sees the drive is ready after the 90 seconds have elapsed.  This causes the IBM 1130 to see the signal BUS_FILE_READY_CTRL_L go low indicating that disk access is now permitted. 

 I simulated an x00 message to turn on Cart Ready. I then manipulated the unlocked and 90 second delay signals, ensuring that our drive was ready. This did produce the file ready indication however I now want to work through all variations and scrutinize the state of the design for correct operation. . 

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