Friday, April 8, 2022

1130 Expander closeup and static validation


I finished trimming the rubber sleeve and mounting the 160 pin connector assembly on the rear of the chassis of my 1130 Expander box. Mechanically, all is ready to close up but I want to verify all the wiring connections from the Storage Access Channel cable (160 pin connector) to the various screw terminals on my board. 

I went through the signals on the SAC connector, looking at my documentation for which FPGA circuit each should wire to, then beeping continuity to assure it was properly connected. I found one pin whose wire was not connected to the screw terminal, thus I had to hunt a while to find the end of the wire in order to fit it back where it belonged.

Eventually I had all the signal traced and proven. I then checked my auxiliary cable, the one that controls interrupt levels 0 and 1 as well as managing the automated program load sequencer. These five wires were tested through the cable to the remote end where they did connect to the appropriate chip inside the IBM 1130. 

The next steps will be to hook this up to the 1130 system, power up everything and drive it with the PC based GUI program I wrote for the previous implementation of this box. That should allow me to boot up diagnostics, verify the signals, then boot DMS2 with virtual disk drives. 

Meanwhile guests visiting are sharply limiting my time in shop. 

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