Thursday, September 1, 2022

Having to debug and fix the Neopixel logic I leveraged to drive the panels from the FPGA


This logic was developed by Blaž Rolih and shared under the MIT License on github. It seemed like a great fit thus I made use of it to add the two 16x16 pixel arrays for diagnostic displays.

# fpga-neopixel

FPGA module for NeoPixel led-strip written in VHDL. Works with ws2812b (RGB) and sk6812 (RGBW).

Made and tested in Xilinx Vivado, with Nexys A7 Artix-7 CSG324 FPGA board with 100 MHz clock but should work on other boards with minor adjustments as well.

My logic is operating at 50MHz and the first issue I discovered and had to fix was that its customization for different clock speeds wasn't complete. That is, it allowed modification of the number of cycles for the on state of the signal line for both a 1 and a 0 bit but not of the remaining off time. The result was that my overall time per bit was longer than specification for the WS2812B based Neopixels (1.25 microseconds). With some modifications to the logic, it worked properly.

The next issue is a latent defect when the number of pixels in a string being driven is an even power of two. The logic that tests for when the last pixel was transmitted will fail and it looks forever leaving the pixels frozen with their initial value. This is due to a counter set up to hold the count of pixels, origin zero, thus in my case of 512 pixels, the counter runs from 0 to 511 and needs only 9 bits to hold that value. 

The logic tests to see when the current pixel is not less than the configured count, thus testing that the counter is not less than 512. It will always be less than 512 because it rolls over from 511 to 0 due to the counter width. I don't need all 512 pixel positions thus I will configure this for 510 which should work fine with the current logic. 

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