Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Substantial work on keypunch interface PC program during my flights

I flew from California to Raleigh/Durham North Carolina today. While I flew I was able to put in some work on the keypunch interface, in between doing my day job. Heavy fog in San Jose delayed my departure by 45 minutes - the aircraft couldn't see the runway centerline to take off nor enough of the perimeter to taxi safely. That delay, plus a complete circumnavigation of the perimeter of Chicago O'Hare before reaching the gate gave me just ten minutes from when I dashed off one plane until they closed the doors on the second flight.

I had only four gates separating inbound and outgoing aircraft, so I made it aboard. My bags did not. The next flight arrives at midnight and if I am lucky will have my bag ready for delivery to the hotel. If not, I will have no new clothes and no suit for my speech to a roomful of senior execs of a client company, plus the bag will have to chase me around to another hotel and perhaps back to home.


I figured out how to save and set up the encoding option when the program restarts, thus the program retains the last used code, which is a productivity feature for users as they will tend to operate mainly on one type of file. For example, at the CHM it will mostly be BCD encoding that is used, while I will use either 1130CARD or EBCDIC for most decks.

Next up was resolution of the layout that will allow my main window to have a status bar along the bottom. I then built the fields in the bar to display current status and error messages. This is pushing my understanding of the hierarchy and linkage of the various windows, panels, sizers, widgets etc but I am working through it. I did develop a proper understanding but the coding is a bit tedious for all the information I want to pack into the status bar. I didn't get it completed tonight.

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