Saturday, July 4, 2020

Added auto-skip behavior to my 3178 terminal


Autoskip is a behavior that the terminal exhibits as you type in the last character position of a field. It will skip to the beginning of the next field, or further, depending on the attributes of the next field. If the next field is both numeric and protected, it continues until it finds the next unprotected field. However, if the immediately next field is unprotected or alpha protected, then the cursor will be sitting at the start of that field. 

Essentially there are two types of autoskip that the terminal implements. Normally it just positions the cursor at the start of the next field, whether that can be typed into or not. The alternate is triggered by having a numeric+protected field immediately after the current one. In the alternate case, the autoskip acts like an auto TAB instead. 


At the point that we have a character typed and ready to be placed into the buffer/screen in the last position of a field, I look forward to find the appropriate start of field position, either the immediate next one or the first unprotected one, using the rules above. I mark this movement, then proceed to process the typed character.

After the typed character is written to the screen, if an autoskip movement was requested, I move the cursor there. Thus when I key in the last position of a field, I see that typed character on the screen and the cursor is now at the first position of an appropriate field further down the screen. 

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