Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Great progress loosening up the 1053, also working on display panel


The operational functions (tab, space, backspace, return, and line feed) were constantly engaging which blocked the carrier from any other action and in some cases fought each other. The small spring loaded latches which hold the actuation rods in their forward idle position were so gummed up that they did not move at all. Thus, at the end of an operation function when the actuator is pushed forward, it would immediately fall backwards to trigger another cycle.

Lots of fine clock oil and hand manipulation got them all freely moving. Therefore the actuator rods would restore and remain in idle. I was then able to work on print cycles and other parts of the machine that required the operational functions to be inactive. 


When I first triggered a print cycle, I couldn't even turn the shaft with the hand cycle tool. Everything was so frozen with solidified lubricant that nothing moved. I had to work on it in sections, by removing the gear that drives the print shaft which throws the ball forward, locks in the tilt and rotate positions and advances the ribbon. With the print shaft disconnected, I could lubricate and turn the rest of the print cycle mechanism to free it up. 

The cycle clutch trigger mechanisms were frozen in place initially. I patiently oiled and manipulated each moving part until it operated freely. Next up I had to lubricate the selection mechanisms that choose how much rotation and tilt to impart, with the biggest issue being the parts for the +5 rotate actuation. More stuck parts that succumbed to oil, hand manipulation and patience, but eventually it was selecting properly. 

I then attacked the gummed up print shaft inside the carrier, flooding all the moving parts with oil and gently rocking the shaft until I got it rotating cleanly. I put some attention into the ribbon advance plate and the selection detent locks next. With that done, I could put the gear back on and join the print shaft to the rest of the print cycle mechanism. 


The carrier movement is implemented partly with mechanisms on the rear of the carrier that engage with some toothed racks, and partly by tilt bars driven by mechanisms in the body of the typewriter. I oiled and moved the small levers and teeth on the carrier until that part is working properly. 

However, the two tilt bars - space and tab - were sluggish and not moving properly. I did get the space tilt bar working properly, so that I can tilt it by hand and get a carrier movement. The tab tilt bar is still jammed solidly. 

The parts in the body that should flick the space tilt bar enough for a one column movement are not moving properly or not correctly adjusted, because they don't move the tilt bar. The lever that should flick it instead is moves in a clean miss, never touching the end of the space tilt bar. 

The tab bar has a more complex mechanism that includes some latching on the left side of the typewriter which holds until the tab movement is ended by striking a set tab finger at the appropriate column. However, the latch acts as if it is a single welded bit of metal - no movement at all. 

I will continue at the next visit to the workshop until I get the tab and space tilt mechanisms working reliably. One issue that complicates my testing is that the mainspring was not connected properly and thus is unwound. That provides the tension or pull which will move the carrier forward for space or tab operations. I will first have to prewind and attach the mainspring before I can be sure that I have the tab and space performing properly.


Th e tension of the carrier cord is partly set by the mainspring, which I discussed above, but also depends on the transport pulley with its spring loaded tensioner. That part is broken. When the replacement arrives, I will install it and then get the carrier cord properly set up.

I have not yet tried the shift mechanism, which rotates the type ball 180 degrees to position its 'upper case' and 'lower case' sides for typing. This has to work properly before I can check and fine tune the rotate selection of the typeball. 

One last area of the 1053 is the mechanism to select between the two ribbon colors - red and black - by actuation solenoids that add or remove tension to a nylon belt that transmits the tension inside the carrier to affect the amount of lift of the ribbon when a character is being typed. 


I fixed all the joints that I could determine had failed on the IAR (instruction address register) row of lights. I installed LED bulbs in all 15 positions, but when doing a lamp test I still have four or five not lighting. Some are the same that have refused to light in the past, but a couple are 'new' failures. Grrrrr. 

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